Friday, August 28, 2009

Puppy Love

For my Lovely friend Jayne...more to come;)

Brady is

MOVING in with These guys;)
My wonderful friend Kath welcomed us into her
home and Brady fell in love with her AWESOME
boys...and all the lite sabers, legos, and dinosaurs
(NOT A DOLL in the house!)
When it was time to go he declared that he was going
to stay---FOREVER!!!

Baby Alex may get a restraining order on Bai, though!


SOOooooooooooooooo Much.
Looking forward to seeing you in a couple of days.


Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Takin some photos

of my clan.
Brady is still super-enamored with Piper...
who is NOT so enamored with taking anymore pictures;)
Loved Bai's expression in this one.

Had a great day with the kiddos,...
though will re-think the whole "hot fudge sundae with lunch
before photo shoot" in the future;)

Sunday, August 16, 2009


ridiculously adorable....even when tolerating Bai
putting this hat on her 50 times;)

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Dog Treats

Mixin it up a bit.
Was asked to take some photos of the canine type.
Got this gem...
And loved this one in color..

When I told Bai I went to take pictures of dogs
the following conversation ensued:
"mom, do puppy dogs have privates?"
-umm...yes. They are underneath...the fur.
"do they pee and poo?"
-yes, baby. All animals eat so they all pee and poo

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

More Twins

Love this. Love it;)
but love the following outtake even more:


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I am

so pleased to meet you little man.

Monday, August 10, 2009


Birthday Babe....

and ditto for Brenda;)

A wonderful day

with our friends...

Early in July, my other BeSTest friend invited us to her
home for an AMAZING dinner. The kids ran like wild animals
on their acres. Re got to spend cuddle time with her godbaby
the girls were girl-ey, doing their hair and wanting a
Brady got to drive the go-cart...I mean REaLLY drive it
while Jeff got his Sprint on;)
Brad and I were reminded of what sincerely beautiful friends
we have, how much my cooking skills stink, and why MI
will always feel more like home...sigh


LINK made me SMiLe

Friday, August 7, 2009


after some serious bribery...

this cost me a cupcake;)

Look Mom...

I'm a Hockey Player!!!

Uncle Chris took Brady skating for the first time and
he had a BLAST. Mini Mite Hockey here we come!


Keeg Loved her Summer Camp.
She made crafts, cared for animals, went on field trips
swam, had camp fires, and made friends

Definitely signing up for this one again!

7 mos



Saturday, August 1, 2009


Little Babies......

And finally some quiet moments to take it all in
for their parents.
Scott has been a champ through it all and
my sister is glowing despite her exhaustion.
