Mmmmoooooom pick meee uuuuuupp!!!!

i love being wanted.
I do.
but with camera in hand, picking up whiney, sandy, kid mid-temper tantrum and having to put down said camera---a'la my instant happiness-- is sometimes a drag.
YET sooo happy to have captured the arm reaching up, the tired eyes, and intensity that only this girl possesses.
I know this stage will pass all too quickly.
I know I will miss it.
glad i got it to look back at one day.
to say remember when you had to be held for 3.75 of the 4 hours you were awake after your nap.
remember that you were soooo persistant that mommy had arms of steel from learning how to cook, clean and all other activities of daily living one handed.
If only i could train you to hold the camera while I take pictures than i would be set!!
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