Thursday, April 21, 2011

This Guy

Is such an amazing kid.
He is awesome at math.
Adores his best bud...
and several girls:)
Is very polite when he wakes you up at night;
Has more energy and imagination than most.
Has sincere kindness etched in his core.
Loves his little sis.
Loves to rough house.
Loves to be silly.

Typically needs a haicut:)
Love you buds; never change.

Monday, April 11, 2011

These two

are growing like weeds....

Can't believe that they would goto kindergarten
with Piper (if we lived in the same state!)
Since they were preemies-
and Piper was in the sumo wrestler category-
I was under the illusion that a bigger age gap existed.....
The entire McCollom clan is headed to Michigan
to hang with the Hoffman/Weber clan in MAY.
THink indoor swimming, Elmo TV, a bit of knitting,
maybe a trip to the zoo, family dinners, Dillon cookies,
and lots of noise:)

AND-perhaps birth of another cousin??

this makes me smile
