Monday, February 28, 2011

THis weekend

two incredibly excited girls
two corsages
two giggles
two mega dancers
two pretty princesses
two lipgloss wearers
two ice cream sundaes
two late curfews

one VERY happy man

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

my friend

could use a bit of support from my friends....

go here to help
go here to understand
thank you

Monday, February 21, 2011

Friday, February 11, 2011

the new face

Introducing: the pout
this is what I am dealing with, people!

Monday, February 7, 2011

This one was the most difficult

birthday to accept.
My munchkin turning 2.
I suppose since it happened in December
I can now talk about it now.
She is A.Mazing.
funny and bright.
she says "WHAT?!" loudly and inquisitively but bordering on cartoonish
She can sing her ABC's...with only a couple of letters missing
She loves Elmo, and big bird and cookie monster
She really loves the beach and the park
She is a fan of water in any form
She can get into mischief in less than 2 seconds,
likes to skype her aunt and the twins,
LOVEs watching videos of baby piper

She sings happy birthday on command
She loves her papa...
and puppy dogs.
SHe will reenact her latest puppy dog kiss
and list all the sand castles she has made
She rides her tricycle like a race car driver,
and dribbles a basketball like the friends
We read Go Dog Go or Love You Forever or
a random elmo book before bed time
She wants to pick stuff herself and runs to Keegan
if she doesn't get "her way".
The terrible 2's are approaching
the fits and throwing things
but she manages to get over most things pretty quick
and definitely makes us laugh in the process.

Sunday, February 6, 2011


This girl is very competitive+ a fish.
this isn't my girl but I really like the picture:)
I digress.
This girl had an amazing swim meet yesterday
She has been out of the pool for a bit...
a little strep throat here, allergies there, lets throw
in a dozen basketball games and perhaps a schedule
conflict or two.

But she managed to drop ALL her times.
Even in her IM...grinning the whole time.
Uber proud of you kiddo.

Friday, February 4, 2011


Nothing better than some girlfriends and a
cake or can never have too much cake!


last month, with my kiddos.
Keeg is physically hurt to type that big old number.
But she is 8 and she is evolving into a little mother..
nagging her siblings
trying to corral the mischief and/or tattle a bit on the side.
She is phenomenally artistic
She is brilliant in math (though she denies this gift)
Loves Harry Potter
Loves Swimming
Enjoys playing defense in Basketball
Has one insane competitive streak
and an equally insane breast stroke kick.
Has a kind, sensitive heart
Is well-liked by her peers
Is a leader
Is a helper
Enjoys her Disney TV
and some itune-age

She is 8 and my heart is breaking a bit.
Mock me all you want;
8 is soooo much bigger than 6 or 4 or 2...
so 8 seems REALLY flippin big these days.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Not a single

entry in January.
grabbed the camera for this photo loveliness today

3 girls.
lots of giggles.
2 homemade dresses.
a couple ant bites
and loads of silliness.