My munchkin turning 2.
I suppose since it happened in December
I can now talk about it now.

funny and bright.
she says "WHAT?!" loudly and inquisitively but bordering on cartoonish
She can sing her ABC's...with only a couple of letters missing
She loves Elmo, and big bird and cookie monster
She really loves the beach and the park
She is a fan of water in any form
She can get into mischief in less than 2 seconds,
likes to skype her aunt and the twins,
LOVEs watching videos of baby piper
She sings happy birthday on command
She loves her papa...
and puppy dogs.
SHe will reenact her latest puppy dog kiss
and list all the sand castles she has made
She rides her tricycle like a race car driver,
and dribbles a basketball like the friends
We read Go Dog Go or Love You Forever or
a random elmo book before bed time
She wants to pick stuff herself and runs to Keegan
if she doesn't get "her way".
The terrible 2's are approaching
the fits and throwing things
but she manages to get over most things pretty quick
and definitely makes us laugh in the process.