June. 2010.

what started out to be couple of quik individual shots
turned into a jump on one another photo-fest!
what I love about these photos is that they show sooooo
much of who they are right now.
The arms around Pipe's belly; someone is always trying to
hold/carry her.
Pipe being kinda serious lately; teething, making faces.
Buds is goofy and pesty and wiggley and GOOFY.
Keeg oscillates between big sis and clinging to being small.
Bai wanting all the attention, has to wear sparkl-ey shoes,
and glitter-y make-up; loves boys & i am scared for her teens.
Brady's numerous bruises and marks from goofing around.
Keegs loose teeth; someone pinching Pipe's cheeks;
Chaos. Movement. Everyone talking...LOUDly from the pool water
permanently in their ears;
Silliness. Pushing Limits. Wanting to be much bigger than
their little bodies and minds.
Living in swimsuits.
painted fingernails and toenails...even Buds;
Absolute deafening noise of any kind...
Expressing silliness or irritation or just their presence.
Minimal compromise. Maximal sib rivalry;
YET Love.
in quiet but pure forms.
puff of air kisses from Pipe;
a look, an I Luv U drawing,
a beaming smile;
a hug, a wave, a middle of the night snuggle.
These 4 kiddos are pure heaven and spice
all at once:)