Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Meet the Rocket Man

just a quick peek for the many family and
friends that are in love with this little guy.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The latest

snapshots of pipe:)
She is 15 mos old today and its amazing how much
her personality has developed lately...

she screams "Bubba" (brady) when the friends
get home from school.
She demands the itsy bitsy spider
on the way home from driving them
to she is not a fan of that drive!
she LoVes drinking the big kids drinks
LoVes trying on big kid shoes
LoVes slides and trying to walk down steps
She loves nearly all fruit, especially if
she can squish it when she is done
and she LoVes her Dada:)

She has grown up

before my eyes....

I had the opportunity to photograph
this beautiful girl...again.
just a little peak at what we were able to
capture today!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Friday, March 12, 2010

Serious cuteness alert

had another amazing family session at McKee....
Love-LoVe-Love this shot.


I have been meaning to take a couple
snapshots of this munchkin....but colds
and teething have prevented the quest..

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I Can't Wait

until these prints come...
I am finally decorating some of these blank walls
and this masterpiece...
15 Biggety-big square prints are the start of the madness:)

Monday, March 8, 2010

I am having a moment

Keeg is growing and maturing like CRAZY

and Pipe is a little person now...
not so much a baby....
Just having one of those reflecting back
and kinda getting teary moments....

Super Sweet

session this weekend at McKee.

This guy is going to be a big brother soon:)

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Friday, March 5, 2010

Happy Friday

These goofballs are getting to be two peas in a pod....

Bai REALLY looks up to Keegan and tries to balance
being exactly like her and being true to her soul.
Fascinating to watch....
unless you are Keegan's boyfriend, that is....

One year ago


Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Daddy comes home tonight:)
