of this little mover & shaker.
LoVe that I captured that crazy baby walk.
LoVe that I distracted her for 10 minutes to
keep that bow in her hair.

LoVe that she took a moment to pause so
I could grab this:

LoVe that she enjoys being outside.
LoVe that she added "bay-B" (ie baby) to her
vocab today.
LoVe that she is still so chubby!
LoVe that she is sleeping through the night.
LoVe that she'll entertain herself when she wakes
up...so I can wake up!
LoVe that she is trying new foods like pineapple.
LoVe that she is still sooooo smiley and happy
LoVe that she chews on her thumb b/c she is
teething-trust me, it looks soo cute:)
LoVes that she gets super excited when she
thinks her "da-da" is home.
LoVes that she is signing for food, sleep,
and all done.
LoVe that she will wear shoes.
LoVe that I can celebrate all the details and
enjoy these moments.
xo little one.