Monday, January 25, 2010

Happy Birthday

to Keegs!!
We had a lovely artist party this weekend
these were the creative cakes we came up with:)
Note that Bai is wearing the same skirt that I set
out for Piper to wear....ummm where is Pie's skirt
I yell?! Bailey "I don't know" with a grin the size of TX.

WE had canvases to paint and puzzles to make and
friendship pins, and dinosaurs, and solar systems,
and foamie stickers, and face paint, and my
brain hurts remembering all the clean-up!

But fun was had by all....and I have until May
before the next one!!


My beautiful girl...
I have attempted to take these one year photos
with Pipe all decked out **note diaper only in shot below**
but her disposition has been OFF. Teething off.
so I have a few girl-ey skirt shots. But mostly I have
lots of her crawling away from the camera.

But wait...standing up-ready to walk...
and kinda sucking it in, too, I think:)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Bad Aunt...

I do not win the award for aunt of the year!
THis beauty was born over a month ago and
has been sitting in my stack of pics to edit pile
Holiday babies don't get any breaks!
I LOVEd this blankie and couldn't resist those toes peeking out
and I caught yet another grin:)
and then some seriously adorable lips on a sleepy sleepy girl.

xoxo little one.


It is Basketball season. Both kids are LOVING it.
running to switch from defense to offense: all over it.
Paying attention to coach....ummmm; having fun-check.
Making some baskets-yep
Arms up on defense-of course

I really enjoy watching both Keeg and Brady grow on the
basketball court. Keeg has never played an organized
sport so her mind is racing taking it all in. She is
very good about remembering whatever the coach
wants them to focus on and defense.
Brady loves the running and shooting. He is
all offense and loves his time on court.
Both kids grin from ear to ear, though, while they play.
Which is simply awesome to see.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Happy Birthday

Bailey's Best Friend had a great party this weekend at
Charles park.
I kind of got enamored with her hair:)
and My little girl of course!!

I took a bunch of shots...
I really wanted to get good ones for
Miss Kara, who always takes control
of the camera for my kiddos parties'.

here is to Hello Kitty cakes and wind:)

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


little angel is protesting her nap currently...
so I am focusing on images of sweet
temperament and loveliness.
and she is already asleep....whew

These two

have a really special bond. Pipe A.DOREs her "bubba"
and Brady just loves those chubby cheeks.
Brady looks after her and is probably the first to drop
everything and help her out.

Her eyes in this one-framed by the
the hat that she can't get off
is sooooo awesome:)


This random picture made me laugh today.
The girls went to the neighbors Christmas party.

Check out Bai's sparkly hot pink shoes...
and note her lovely "I am up past my bedtime"

For Charlie

who am I kidding
this is equally for Holly:)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


I do realize I have 3 other children.
I do.
But this chub-a-lub is with me all day and my camera
has this magnetic attraction to her....

and she is one years old.
and i am trying to soak it all in...
and i realize i forget to brush my teeth some mornings
so the likelihood of me remembering all this Piper awesomeness
isn't looking promising.
So I click away.
it is my therapy of sorts
my least in pixels:)

free to be frame by janelle gustofson (cafe j) after five designs

Freeze a kid machine

NOT successfully invented thus far.

I talk about freezing my kiddos..all of them, but probably
Piper the most. Yes, she is our baby; the last of our clan!
But there is something even more to it.

Perhaps her sweet chubbiness
or her great-natured disposition
or her two tiny pumpkin teeth on the bottom
or her ability to grin and make all your stress melt away
or her Ginormous thighs that make all her baby clothes bulge
(that is so much more fashionable on her than me!)
or her eyes that sparkle
or her baby-butt dance
or her squeal when the big friends come home from school
or how her legs kick and kick when she sees daddy
or her love of popcorn (i swear we are careful about kernels)
or her obsession with Birds
or the zillions of other things that make her our Pipes
xoxoxo baby girl.

Quick page from Digi files #11 by Karen.