Friday, March 20, 2009

One year

ago these were the faces that squirmed
when I busted out the camera.
Occasionally I could grab something like this
or this...
as long as their were M&Ms involved!

Since he avoided Shark

infested waters
this incident is now more humorous
a year later....

This is my bro enjoying being the first
to test out the new jet ski......
this is shortly after said test drive.....

I am using a super-duper ZOOM lens;  he is stranded
WAAAAY out there.
Some kind boaters took pity on him and towed him
to safety.....and we can now chuckle a bit about it.

**footnote jetski has been sold***

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


who is getting married!!!
Had a marathon engagement session this
weekend at McKee Gardens.
Had a blast shooting..and shooting...
what can I say?
my camera missed me!
Here is one of the whole crew.

I am looking forward to documenting their ceremony early
next month.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

There is no LoVe

like Auntie love!!!
Christmas 2007

LoVe These.

SOme of these

photos make me smile and smile.

OcTober 2007-Michigan

This is one of Keegan's sweetest friends ever.  I am so
happy because Keegan will get to continue this 
friendship in the we are headed back to michigan
for the bulk of this summer...and hopefully EVERY summer
while we reside in FL.
My best friend Amy and I became friends during the summer 
at a swim club a LONG time ago 
and AMY is this beauties mommy.
How cool is that???  

Now for those opposing the new Barbie you may not
want to view the following photo

this is my future tattoo artist.....perhaps she will get it
all out of her system now???


and I have resolved some feeding
issues and has decided to nap a bit longer than
4 minutes at a time.
so I am editing some older photos
(**no offense wonderful clients:)

exhibit A
Brady from christmas 2007 got this
awesome fishing pole as a gift.
so he promptly started practicing in 
Papa's pool.....

and smacked himself in the face...hehe

His uncle jonny, giver of said fishing pole, watches and grins.

keep watching for more from the archives!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


some older photos and ran across this one.


Saturday, March 7, 2009

BUT Mooooomm...

Pirates have Patches!
5 seconds later



Daughter dance 2009:)