Thursday, February 26, 2009


Favorite picture alert.



Brad's parents arrived from Montana to meet 
our adorable daughter.
Piper loved them in an instant, showering them
with smiles and spit-up.

Now what would be more fun than going for
a walk/riding a tricycle with your grandparents?
Why attempting to run mommy over
with said tricycle-repeatedly!

After escaping tricycle-induced injury I was lucky
to grab this shot.. 

Pipe loved her new ride.


chips make THE BEST after
swimmin snack;)

Our close friends from michigan drove down to see
us this week....OK Mickey was really who they came
to see but we were a bonus!

The kids had a great time with them in the pool
and promptly devoured a whole bag of doritoes!

Wishing you an uneventful, safe trip back to the chilly weather...

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Hey Cuz..

Let's go swimmin!!

Our kiddos had a great time playing with their cousins, Papa
and Uncle Gary in the pool on President's Day.

The little ones met for the first time
but they became fast friends....and partners
in crime;)

as always, click on the image to enlarge.


Saturday, February 21, 2009


Fun around here.

No offense to my northern friends 
but I am not sure I could survive many snow days
with my gang cooped up in the house.
These kiddos have sooooooooooo much
energy that NEEDs a release.

Exhibit A
Now Buds looks pretty mellow here but don't let him
fool ya.....he was bribed with some serious candy
to get him to sit for this shot:)

The kids enjoyed a visit from their to follow 
and grandparents....ditto above.
They have been into their tennis and Brady just completed his
Mite Basketball season....LOTS of great shots coming soon I promise

For now, I leave you with my current favorite
shot of pipe....a quiet moment amongst the many
where she demonstrates how even teeny things
can be VERY LOUD


Friday, February 6, 2009

1 month


It's been one month since
i last sat down at my computer??

Well I have missed it a bit
but LOVED bonding with Piper.


So have the older kiddos.
Piper is a wonderful baby.
great disposition
though she looks fussy in this picture
she is adorably patient most of the time.

And though we adore our Piper....the other kiddos 
continue to amaze and humor us always.

Pretty sure we still haven't mopped up the 
damage created below!!!

Happy Friday;)