Last Sunday the kiddos needed some
Problem: another rain-ey drizzley day.
Solution: tree covered park and an
attitude of who cares how messy they get.

note Keeg's tush which shows not only dirt but rust stains.
update: shirt still has rust stains.

this is Bai.
Bai are you sweet or sassy today?
Bai is caught taunting a 7 year old girl on the playset.
"what is your name"
"I don't like you Julia"
"you are a potty-head"
after redirecting Bailey, trying to get her to acknowledge
that she was not making a good choice, etc.
my response to Julia was "she is 2 and should be taking a nap; sorry"
Julia later catches a lizard and becomes Bai's best friend.
man the kids had a blast and I was so glad we decided to
go to the park anyway.