Had the opportunity to play with this sweet family on the beach this week. Big sis and her little Bro enjoyed finding shells....OK and eating the sand!!!
Miss Char asked if the picture lady could come take pictures of her at the park sometime...I took that as the sweetest compliment.
OK..he is not so little BUT he is MY little guy. Brady and I busted out an impromptu photo session (ala cookie for bribery). It is sincerely nice to spend my afternoons with this kiddo. He is such a sweetheart....and a goofball....but mostly a sweetheart!
Couldn't help but take this one....wish I could invent the freeze a kid. sigh.
This sweet photo was taken of Bai this weekend. I couldn't help but post it for all the family to see....especially the grandma who is sooooo smitten with this little one and that will be seeing her soon!
Another perfect evening for Picnic in the park....interpretation, mommy doesn't have to cook and instead orders pizza and cupcakes (mini ones:) and lets the kiddos run off all their energy before bedtime. This is when I love living in FL!
Sar has been a natural little model since I first met her years ago. I was soo excited when her parents asked me to take some photos of her! Despite the big dark clouds..and intermittent sprinkles we had a blast...trying on clothes and being all silly.....almost fell in a pond once-not sar but me! Can't wait to do it all again.
Today was my daughter and son's first field trip EVER.....much more of a milestone for me than them...they were oblivious to its significance. So we head out caravan-style. I manage to NOT get lost-bonus:) And fun was had by all!! Great berries, beautiful weather--good times:)
Happy Valentines Day to everyone!! My munchkins showered me with love today...AND LET ME TAKE THEIR PICTURES....some more willing than others hehe!! Here's what my bunch looked like before school....and yes that is a lollipop in Bai's hand at 8am (sooo not my fault-daddy approved that one)
This little thing was truly angelic....even without the wings! Sweet Bree is turning 3 this summer and her parents are looking for a magical image to have enlarged for her big celebration.....i fell in love with so many I can only imagine how difficult it will be for them to choose!
I had the pleasure to meet a super nice individual who will be celebrating 50 years of Marriage this summer. I look forward to documenting their day photographically....i.e. driving her and her family nuts by taking a zillion pictures!!!! She had the most adorable little dogs..Max was constantly showing her some puppy love
Welcome to the world little man....Jonathan David is the 2nd boy amongst 5 girls!!!! Though he made his appearance 4 weeks early, this little guy is healthy and getting adjusted to all the affection from his beautiful family. Many more images to come:)